At first no one wants their picture taken especially these two.
Then Flynn needs to worm his way in and get his picture taken.
Before long primitive behavior starts to rein in and the fire bug girl returns. Here Sarah is with her burned poking stick being mesmerized with the smoke.
There was this neat railroad tunnel near the campground.
We also found another tunnel right beside it that was closed off.
We had a great visit with our daughter, it was way too short but it was fun none the less. The truck pulled the camper great and now we are ready for a real trip but now D is so busy at work he can't take time off. Hopefully sometime this fall we'll be able to take a trip.
The other day my friend Kate and I got together for a fabric day. We sometimes pick days to get together to work on projects and we both have been getting back to fabric so a special day seemed in order.
I pulled out this little kimono wall hanging kit I had put aside. I had one kimono done last week. The rest I did this weekend. I am stitching it by hand am finding the process slows me down and its quite pleasant to just stitch. I think the little kimonos are so cute.
This also led me to the zillion cross-stitch project I started over the years. Twenty years ago before I got into spinning and weaving I was an avid cross-stitcher. I found this project almost done so I put the finishing touches on it this weekend. It feels good to complete things no matter how many years are in between.
Do you have any projects you need to pull out from drawers or closets? Maybe its time to reconnect with them.