Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Sketches

Doing double duty today.  This is sketch no 25 for the 29 Faces September challenge and my sketch for Sunday Sketches.  I went back to my favorite graphite woodless pencils to create this woman. You can see all my faces for the month on my flickr page.

Also check out Sophia's blog to see what other sketchers are up to.


  1. She is lovely...a very strong and thoughtful woman...clever!

  2. Your graphite sketches are always good. She seems to have something on her mind. I like that she has just a hint of a smile...maybe she has a secret.

  3. You are sure going to town with these! All so well done!

  4. she is lovely ~ wonderful eyes especially ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  5. 29 faces is such a big undertaking and I hope you are enjoying them all... this one looks great...xx

  6. I have to hand it to you, lovely portrait! i participated in 29 faces and its alot of work and dedication. But worth it!


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