Thursday, January 30, 2014

Paint Party Friday - The Ancestors

One of the things we have been doing in the Painting the Feminine course, is that on the weekends we take a favorite concept of the week and explore it on canvas. I took to this canvas with the spirit of play.

The beginning, just paint smeared on from my palette from several days of painting.

There was a big jump to here.  I forgot to stop to take pictures. I had a lot more paint to the background and these figures appeared. I see them as all my female ancestors, the women who came before me.  They watch over me and guide me.

I used Sennelier oil pastels for the faces and hair.  The rest of the piece was made with acrylic paints. Right now this is hanging in my bedroom so it the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night.  What an amazing group of protectors I have.

Check out what other artists are doing today by going here.


  1. I like the growth I see in your art Kate. This last one is quite evocative. HPPF!!!

  2. Beautiful result.... thanks for sharing the WIPs!
    Happy PPF

  3. Lovely use of oil pastels, how interesting you have mixed them with acrylic!

  4. Kate this is fabulous, terrific colours and a great scene. Happy PPF, Annette x

  5. This is amazing work. I like how you started and I love the colours! Nice to know this group of women is watching over you ....

  6. Kate, this is an incredible piece of art. I can tell you are really enjoying this class. It is fun to watch as you style continues to develop.

  7. Love the colors in their cloaks...really beautiful!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. How wonderful! So colorful and bright! Beautiful :)

  9. I love this painting and the thoughts and symbolism behind it -good job!

  10. The final results are awesome! I love the richness of the orange and red.

  11. I love the way this turned out!!! Happy PPF!!!

  12. I love this scene Kate. The colors are bright and vivid. Turned out perfectly. Happy PPF

  13. Kate this is so good. I love the colors, the faces and just the overall feel of the painting.

  14. Kate, I love this painting!! The colors are beautiful and the way you describe the images as your ancestors just seems so perfect.

  15. You have very colorful and happy looking ancestors! Really love those colors...Happy Paint Party Friday!
    A little late, my Sis went into labor Friday and had her baby Saturday. Yay!


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