Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Sketches - Pencil and Watercolor

I took my inspiration from another artist who did something similar on Pinterest but I could not fine her name. There's was much more elaborate that mine.  I liked the idea of just doing the hair in color and leaving the rest in pencil.  I used Koi watercolors for the hair.  Then I drew the patterns in with a micron pen.

Check out other sketchers' are doing on Alexandra's blog 


  1. Very pretty! I like it a great deal, the hair is wonderful.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Lynn. I am finding I am using Watercolor moreIt makes me think of you.

  3. Hi ALex, Thanks, the hair was the most fun part of it all.

  4. She is the colorful expression and energy to her..she carries a strong spirit! Your watercolors look fantastic and vibrant!
    Happy Sunday Sketches
    Victoria, pencil and wing

  5. Your drawing with pencil and painting with watercolors is very inviting, I like.


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