Monday, December 22, 2014

My New Word For 2015

After some deliberation I have decided on my word for 2015.

My words for the past few years have all been pretty involved so I took a light hearted approach with this one.  Both DEEP and Self Care were pretty intensive.  This year I choose to Celebrate the big things and the little things. To see those small things everyday that I might celebrate, take notice of and appreciate more. To also celebrate the big things in a more meaningful way.

Here is my new necklace for the year.  Once again I got it from Liz Lamoreaux. I find that wearing my word makes the experience deeper and more present.

In addition to my word of the year I have decided to use the week between Christmas and New Years to work on this.

Its a workbook to ponder the past year and discover what I might want to create in 2015.  Its been created by Susannah Conway. You can get it here at Susannah's website,  its free.

Do you choose a word a for the year?  I'd love to hear what word you've chosen for 2015, just let me know in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your word, Kate. It just so fits, doesn't it? I DO choose a word, as you know. I am thinking of "Lighten Up" (I have to find a word that means this) like "Fun" but probably not "Fun" as it is not exactly what I'm thinking of. You do know that Kim Mailhot does the little boxes with the word in them, right? Anyway, I love your word. Thank you for the resources, too, xoO


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