A few collages that I have been working on, not sure if they are finished or not, or if I want to journal on them or not so I will let them be for now.
A lot has been going on so I guess its time to put it out there. My husband Dave has been having problems with his left eye. He can only see around the edges. His optical nerve is swollen but they do not know why. He had an MRI and that came out clean, then they took blood to run tests and see if there is an infection and those came back clean. He has another appointment today so hopefully they will have some ideas. If it turns out that he had a stroke in they eye they can not do anything. His other eye compensates so he can still see, but his depth perception is off and he gets tired easily. We are hoping for some new information from the eye specialist.

Then yesterday my good friend Terri, one of my Glitter Sisters who has been battling stage 4 breast cancer for the past year and a half got an even worse blow. Her oldest daughter, her rock, the child who has helped her most through this was killed in a car accident. The family has experienced so much loss it is hard to think on how they will manage this too. My heart just aches for her.
I have managed to get some baking done, here are some of the cookies Sarah and I decorated. The tree is up and the rest of the decorations are in place. I have all the gifts bought and wrapped. So time to get back to doing some art. Which of course means a major clean up of the studio. I wish there were studio elves who came by and took care of that part. It funny how now that I have the space cleaned up and the time I don't know what I want to do. Should I pick up unfinished projects and get back to them, should I start something new, oh so many choices. Do you ever find yourself in that predicament?
This sharp-shinned hawk was in my backyard last week. He stayed for quite awhile and then he was gone. I had never seen this particular hawk before so I thought it was pretty cool.