Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate. Happy Hanukah to my Jewish Friends and Seasons Greetings to everyone else.

This is what Santa brought me. I have been wanting a macro lens for a couple years now. Sure will be fun to play with this baby.  I have lots of other goodies to share but that will wait for another day.  Have a great time today no matter what you end up doing.  I think we are going to go feed the ducks later.  We have no snow and the sun is out.  A beautiful day.


  1. It looks great, Kate. Merry Christmas to you as well!, xoO

  2. Yea! Santa was good to you! He left me a Cinch binding machine and I can't wait to try it out.

    Sunny and about 60ยบ here. Enjoy your day.

  3. No snow? I think last Christmas you had a lot, didn't you? Nice change, hmmm? So now we will be seeing some extra special fab photos taken with your new lens! Happy rest of the holidays, Kate.


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