picture credit: dilmanns.com
This is a kestrel and we have a kestrel nesting box in our yard. Last year we had a pair that had 4 babies. That was pretty neat and we hoped for it to happen again. This year they came to the nest and layed eggs and then we found the female with a broken wing. We ended up taking her to fish&game. They will repair the wing and then release her. We didn't know if the male would be able to hatch the eggs or not. We looked in the box last week and found a mess. There were 4 eggs and a dead starling in the box. This is what we think happened. The starling entered box, killed the kestrel eggs and laid some of her own. Then the kestrel came back and killed the starling. A sad story for sure. The starling eggs are like a stone.

Here they are in a nest I had. I put them in it just to take the picture. I am hoping that a new pair of kestrels will set up base here next year.
Good news on the health front, finally. Yesterday was not good, I was feeling dizzy so I went back to the Doctors and my BP was 80/50. That is pretty low for a person with high blood pressure. I stopped taking my meds and went back today and it was 110/73 which is much better. So now I am going to stay off the meds till after the holiday and see what happens. Low blood pressure makes you really tired and you don't feel like doing anything. Other good news is that my blood sugar has gone down. That is something I have been working on so I am happy about that. It feels great to have some energy back.
I am in a cleaning organizing de-cluttering mode right now. I have my weaving room half done so I am anxious to get back to it