Saturday, November 9, 2013


I made an elephant today.  I started with just adding color with InkTense blocks. Used my water brush a little and then just kept adding color and no additional water.  I've been thinking of elephants lately. I've another started.  Its such a fun image to play with.

This elephant came out of that background I did earlier in the week due to a suggestion by my friend April Cole.

Linking to Sunday Sketches and Art Everyday Month


  1. I love inktense blocks as well I am finding so much inspiration in you and the others at AEDM, I'll have to live to be 100 to do everything!

  2. Your elephant is such a cutie. Lovely!Greetings from Brazil and Happy AEDM!

  3. thats so cool how the image appeared out of the painting! love them both! xo

  4. Love your elephants, especially the second one. Love those rich vibrant colours and the oranges and blues really contrast well together...really makes your painting pop.. :)

  5. Wow..both are wonderful..gorgeous and eye-catching..I espeicially love the second image..stunning and inspirational!
    Happy SS
    Victoria, pencil and wing

  6. Don't know what InkTense blocks are but sure love your elephants. The colors in the second one is so rich. It's beautiful.

    1. Thanks Myriam, the second elephant was made with those new Florescent colors sold by Golden. They are very transparent and fun to work with.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Connie, I always think of you when I draw or paint elephants.


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