Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Getting an Old Loom Working

Remember when I bought this loom? It was almost 2 years ago. In this picture it was not put together right. Dave worked on it for awhile but then it sat. It sat for long time. Partly because we didn't know what was wrong or how to fix it.

This is the view from the back of the loom. I threaded the heddles from the back of the loom. There wasn't a way to make them at the same height so it was a little difficult.

This is the front, I have the reed threaded, now I am checking for mistakes. When I did the threading here I realized how I could make the harnesses even.  The old bungie cord to the rescue. Now the next time I warp it will be easier.

That was several days ago and I am still having problems.  I have lashed on the warp twice, only to find that a warp thread breaks or their is a mistake in the reed threading.  It is getting frustrating. I may need to order a new part, but meanwhile we will try and fix the thing ourselves.  There is an issue with the warp beam tension. I am making it work but wonder if the part would help matters.  I have put a lot of hours into it, so I hope that has not been in vain.

Since weaving has been all consuming I have not done very much art. I know that those of you who do not weave will think all that sounds like a foreign language and I guess it does. So I promise some art too.  Today I pumped out a page and that felt good to get messy again.

My art  page for today. Created quickly with oil pastels from a photo I took in Sedona a few years back. I will be headed back there in October for a workshop so its on my mind. I get to have a weekend retreat with Connie Hozvicka and some other amazing fearless painters. Its going to be fantastic and I can't wait.


  1. Hello Kate :]
    Wow! what a beautiful loom.
    Wishing you the best, at getting it up and working correctly. I am sure you are eager.
    Thank you for sharing your page, using oil pastels. They are so fun to play with!
    Even a quick time in the studio, creating art, keeps the 'mojo" flowing.
    Take care.

  2. That is quite the art machine you have there. I hope the frustration soon becomes flow.
    How wonderful to have a visit to Sedona and meeting up with Connie in the Fall to look forward to.
    Glad you are feeling more like your creative self.
    Happy Thursday !


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