Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Writing - Progress

An old picture of myself writing, crown and all.

Its Wednesday already so time to post any progress I have made.  I read the  Little Earth Medicine's book on the Wolf. I got a couple tidbits on it but not as much as I thought I would.  I wish I had read it before I ordered the Crow book from the same series on Amazon.  I wouldn't have purchased it but now I have a gift for someone.  The other two books on writing Nail your Novel and Characters and Emotion and Viewpoint are still works in progress.  I have focused on the later book. It is really good and is helping me see how to rewrite my own fiction.  I am noticing also what I have been doing incorrectly so that has been a plus.
In the next week I want to focus on both of these books and do some research on ravens. 

This afternoon I am headed to a root canal specialist. It looks like they will remove the old root canal, add a new one that goes deeper and clean out any infection. It doesn't sound like its going to be fun at all.


  1. Kate, I hope your day at the dentist wasn't too bad...and maybe you still felt like doing some research and writing when you came home. You seem to have a good plan going and the important thing is, you're following through with it.

  2. Awww... the crown is delightful! :]
    Staying focused is important, love reading about your plans and the goals you have set.
    Wishing you the best at the dentist, OUCH! ~xx

  3. Awww... the crown is delightful! :]
    Staying focused is important, love reading about your plans and the goals you have set.
    Wishing you the best at the dentist, OUCH! ~xx

  4. I read something Steven King said once. He said (and I won't quote because it probably isnt exact) that if you write a page a day, at the end of a year you have 365 pages and thats a book!

    Keep writing and pursuing your dream.


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