Thursday, August 4, 2011

30 Day Portrait Challenge

My friend Violette is having a new challenge over at her blog. I saw the post and thought I should do that. A couple years ago Misty Mawn did a January journaling challenge and I really learned a lot by doing a portrait every day. I still dawdled until I saw my friend Janet doing it too.

So on Wednesday I painted this lady. She was painted on red rosin paper which is such a fun surface to paint on. Red rosin paper comes in huge roles and you can get it at Lowes. It is used in the roofing industry but is a great art paper too.

It was after this I saw Janets post about not understanding that this was a self portrait challenge not a portrait challenge and I realized I made the same mistake. Well being the rebels that we are we are just going to do portraits. People always tell me my painting look like me anyways. I can see where I made my mistake as the title of Violette's post is 30 Day Portrait Challenge. Sure she mentions that they are self portraits in the post but I skipped right over that little detail. Anyways I am going to attempt to do portraits all month.

Here is today's portrait, I must have painted her dress three or four times and it kept getting worse. I get impatient with acrylic paints sometimes and try to paint on top of colors that really need to dry first. At these times I just give up and add paper.

To join in the challenge just head over to Violette's blog, there is a flickr group to share your work


  1. Enjoy... the challenge, looks very inspiring!
    Thank you for sharing, and your portraits look fantastic :]

  2. These portraits keep popping around blogland I had to check it out. :) Sounds really fun and you did a great job. :)

  3. Blow dryer !!!!

    A portrait a day will mean lots of visitors into your world. Enjoy !

  4. We'll be rebels together. I always like your portraits. The dress you said you had problems with looks beautiful to me.

  5. I like this portrait a day idea...but I know better than to start that...I have too many projects going on that I can't keep up with. I'll be checking back to see your others...great portrait and her dress is lovely!


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