Friday, September 23, 2011

The gift of a letter

There are some things from the past that I often like to rekindle in my life.  One of those is the handwritten letter.  Sure with the internet age and instant emails so many of us do not write letters anymore.  I think we have lost something with that.  A handwritten letter is something you can touch and feel in your hands, you know the sender spent time with the paper too.  I have always written letters and I miss the frequency of them.

My friend Kate and I have started writing letters to one another. We live in the same town about 15 miles apart.  We still call each other and send emails but its so much fun to receive letters in the mail that we started to write one another.  I think I will start doing this with other people too. So if I have your address you might get some mail from me.  Today I even pulled out a quill pen to write.  It felt very old fashioned on one hand but oh so pleasing on an other.  When was the last time you wrote a real letter, or better yet received one.  If it been a long time perhaps its time to just let go of technology for awhile and write and send a letter to a friend or a loved one.  I can guarantee they will appreciate it.


  1. Such a sweet, heartfelt post! :]
    Honestly... I haven't written a letter to a friend since I was in high school. I agree, "handwritten" letters are very personal <3
    I think I will take you up on this... and email you my address, who knows (heheeheee)

  2. I totally agree with you, handwritten letters are so wonderful. I myself did write to a prisoner every day for a year some years ago. When he was set free I just didn't know what to do the first days.
    Have a nice weekend!

  3. Wonderful idea! I love getting letters in the mail although I don't get nearly as many as I used to. I may just have to start doing this myself and surprise some of my friends.

  4. I love writing letters the old fashioned way and, in recent months, a blog friend and I have taken up writing back and forth to each other. It is so nice to receive a handwritten letter from her in my letterbox.

    Have a lovely weekend,

  5. I agree I love receiving real old fashioned letters too, they are such a gift!

  6. This post has inspired me to send out 5 postcards (using my photos) each with a message included! I'd love to send one to you...would you send your address to me? My email is

  7. i love writing and receiving real mail but don't do it often enough. you have inspired me to put something in the mail soon...


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