Thursday, October 28, 2010

Its all smiles from now on

This is how I have been feeling this week. Its just all smiles since I started the Queen's Castle. I also just decided that I really miss the Self Portrait challenge that used to be so big a few years back. I think I will start one on my network. You know I think the old me would say are you nuts starting another thing that you need to come up with an idea for. Now what I feel is no pressure at all.  It seems that all I am doing and dreaming about this new venture just makes me happy. It all seem right and things are flowing so well.  That is what happens when you have a dream and start following it. You can join here

My friend Kim aka The Queen of Arts posted the other day about wanting to rid herself of the idea of being broken. She is the most inspiring wonderful women that I have met online. I had done this page last week and just wanted to show it so she knows she is far from broken. She inspires me with her posts so often and it was her rock that really pushed me off the fence to take this leap that has made my life so joyous this week.  Thanks Kim for all the love you spread.

As you can tell by the picture its gotten really cold here. I am just not ready for coats and hats yet. I thought I'd share another portrait where I am not so giggly with it all.  Its hard to find those now days which I am so grateful for.

What are you grateful for today?


  1. Oh what a wonderful post this is! It is so inspiring to read! Thank you. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those flat rocks. I am going to start collecting them and put them in a bucket of blessings! Then each day I can pick one out and remember my blessings! Hugs and many warm blessings to you!

  2. Kate, you look positively bursting with happiness! Obviously you have made the right decision for yourself. I'm sure you'll look back on this time years from now and see it as a turning point in your life.

  3. I love seeing your beautiful, smiling face! That inspires me sooooooooo much!

  4. I'm looking forward to checking out your new site. It sounds so exciting and it's always good to know someone who feels like smiling a lot!

    Those rocks remind me of something i occasionally do when I go down to my beach with a my bright blue, writes on anything pen. I have put little inspirational messages on rocks and shells and left them strewn about the beach and park for others to find. I have so much fun doing that and I haven't in a while, so this was a nice reminder to do so again! Thanks!

  5. I love the smiling picture of you ! You look so happy and well.
    I an blessed to grace the pages of your journal, my Friend. Thank you for the honor and for those wonderful words. As I said on my post today, my friendships and the gifts they give me are one of the very best things in my life. I am grateful for you.
    May the flow continue long and smoothly...
    Big Love !

  6. I'm grateful for friendship, love and family. Just spent the day with a friend I haven't seen in over 2 years and it was FAB!!

    My first picture for your castle is finished. Just drying reading for scanning and upload tomorrow some time :)

  7. i am thankful there is always something to look forward to creatively. i will definitely be visiting your castle!


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