Thursday, October 14, 2010

Its Almost Nanowrimo Time

 National Novel Writing Month is just around the corner. So if you have ever considered writing a book this is the perfect time to do so. Over 50,00 people have already signed up. This year I decided not to be a municipal liaison. My good friend Amber took over this year. This will be my fifth year doing Nano as we call it. I decided on doing a young adult fantasy. So far all I have is a snippet of an idea and a couple characters. That is all you really need to begin. Why don't you join me this time, I am a great supporting cheerleader..... Go here to sign up.

I found this great video on twitter, its a Nanowrimo Song to get you in the mood.


  1. I will wish you well and good luck for this one, Writer-Queen ! Enjoy your creative time !

  2. Ditto what Kim just said!

    As for me joining way! I doubt if I could string together 50,000 words that made any sense at all. A writer, I'm NOT!

  3. I'm all signed up. No plot idea or characters yet. I might try writing a bunch of short stories and make them all connect in some way. We'll see...
    Fun video!

  4. Oh I have the book, 'NO PLOT NO PROBLEM' AND it talks about NANO

    November's have been so tempting for me to just finally do it, to just sit down and begin typing away....but I have not as of yet made that commitment to go for it!

    Thanks for the seed of inspiration!

    Ciao bella


  5. Kate, I love to write, but have never really thought of doing anythink like this. I will think about it for awhile...Hugs, Mary


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