Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunday Sketches

Todays sketch is rendered in graphite and Derwent Grafitint pencils. It was interesting trying to do a face with these pencils.  The colors I had were more suited for landscapes. I did enjoy adding just a little bit of color to a graphite drawing.

To see what other sketchers are doing today check out Sophia's blog


  1. I really like the eyes and you have really captured a great expression in them... nice sketch and hope you have lots of drawing time this week..xx

  2. Hi Kate, love this sketch and like the way you do the writing on her jumper... :)

  3. I have not come across these pencils yet. I like the her eyes and the wordy jumper is eye-catching!

  4. Just the barest hint of color is all that was needed because your sketch it lovely.

  5. Hi Kate: I have selected you to receive The Versatile Blogger award because you regularly share a delightful variety of artsy stuff. Visit my blog, , for details and to get your banner. If you have problems let me know and I'll email the banner to you as an attachment. Congrats and I'll see you around.

  6. This is a fantastic sketch, indeed!
    I simply adore hoe her face came out, great work.
    Dont you just love creating with Derwent products?! :]


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