Thursday, November 12, 2009

Two Women

I haven't posted in a couple days now. I have been so busy and I am so tired. I have been keeping my Nano word count up to date but the writing has been so hard this time. I have been reading blogs and there is so much art I want to do its driving me nuts that I can't do it right now.

This is the last art I have done and I think that was Sunday. Entitled Two women it was found art, I think there is something else there on the left and I may add more later if I feel so inclined. I never seem to know when a painting is finished. I did clean up the studio a little so I will be ready when I get some time. That is what is keeping me going.

I am finishing some things and starting new ones. The Artist Way is done and I was so happy doing that book. The Photo class I took was a disappointment so I am glad that its over with. I have one more class coming up this year and that is with Misty Mawn, Its starts Saturday and it is going to be really good. I had most of the supplies but had to get some new hot press watercolor paper. I have always worked with cold press paper so this will be interesting using a new surface. I have no idea how I am going to do this while doing Nanowrimo but I will manage somehow.

I made one of these journals and painted the pages with watered down fluid acrylic paints in all sorts of color. I painted it before it was sewn together. I didn't get the pages painted in the right order. You do need to remember how its being folded if you paint it ahead of time. On the other hand once these pages are worked on you won't know the difference anyways. This journal is made with a single sheet of paper which is quite inventive if you ask me. Teesha Moore is brilliant.

Here are some of the pages in my journal

Some of the pages fold out.

Here you can see the pink flap from the cover.

I love all the colors. This journal has 16 pages and will be lots of fun to fill up. This was a fun and easy journal to make.


  1. Yeah, I'm tired too! And I want to play with my supplies too! But I want to write my novel too! Darn it, not enough time and energy for everything...

    Can't wait to see what you'll do with your 1-sheet journal.

  2. I enjoyed the video about making that journal.
    YOurs looks great.

    Are you aware of how much the women in your TWO WOMEN look like YOU? Wow. Talk about self portraits, meant or sub consciously done. I like it.

  3. I like these bacground colors, you should have great fun filling these pages. looking forward to seeing what you do. Hugs, Mary

  4. I love the Two Women painting, Kate, just beautiful!!

  5. I love all those colors. Beautiful, beautiful jewel tones like I love to wear.


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