Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday Sketches - InkTense

I thought I would do today's sketch with Inktense pencils, so I grabbed my set and a waterbrush and tossed them into my bag for church.  I made one cardinal error when using a waterbrush.  I forgot to clean it when I was putting on the rosy cheeks, oops, once there is black mark its hard to get rid of it.

To see more sketches check out Sophia's blog,


  1. She still looks lovely and she has such a sweet face.

  2. She is a wonderful sketch ~ colors and design are great ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  3. Kate I like what you have done this week... I have a love hate thing going on with my Inktense pencils, but your work is just lovely with them...xx

  4. ...awesome sweet gentleness! ~ thankyoU for your s.s. share! ~ blessed be!...

  5. Great sketch...can hardly see the oops:)


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