Sunday, April 8, 2012

Signs of Spring (Sunday Sketches)

Happy Easter Everyone. I am seeing signs of Spring everywhere I look. Tulips that I planted last fall are coming up in the back garden so that delights me.

For Sunday Sketches today I thought I would do my backyard. Its a nice day so I could hang my sheets outside.   I love to do that because the fresh air makes them smell so good. To see other sketches go here


  1. This is a fun one Kate. I love the fresh smell on my sheets too!

  2. Happy Easter, Kate! Your Sunday sketch makes me yearn for a clothesline where I could put out my sheets. I like the fresh air smell, too.

  3. love the smell of fresh sheets bouncing in a spring breeze, our weather is soo far from that yet :-)

  4. Very cute sketch...happy spring to you!

  5. ...are they li'l birdies in the tree! ~ maybe meggle eggles me thinks! ~ thankyoU for the share! ~ blessed be!...

  6. Cute sketch... totally agree...fresh air sheet and laundry...yummy... my bulbs all suffered with the really cold weather we had... no tulips in my garden this year :(

  7. I love this one, the clothes line is so lost in this time of the dryer. But like you, I love the smell of sheets after being hung to dry in the air. This is a really sweet took a simple thing and gave it life. Hugs, mary

  8. love your vision of spring... hanging clothes in fresh spring air is wonderful.


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