Monday, February 2, 2015

Full Rowan Moon

The Full Rowan Moon is tomorrow and I won't have time to make a board then so I did it a little bit early. This is the moon lore in the Celtic tradition and revolves around the Rowan Tree. It centers around vision and protection and symbolism. My image resolved around symbols I am drawn to along with feelings I want to experience. The main focus for the board is my desire to step out there and to do an art show. I have signed up and been accepted into the show, but I don't have the paintings created yet. It truly is a leap of faith. Its time for me to step into a bigger role and the board really represents that. I love doing these dream boards, they really tell me something about myself and where I am on my own journey.


  1. A wonderful board. I hear you on the stepping into a bigger role. I'm feeling that also. Wonder if there's something going on this year cosmically?


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