Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Sketches

I have 2 sketches to share today. Both of these were created in church.  The first, this young girl was created in a Stillman and Birn alpha series sketchbook in colored pencil.  I am trying to get more comfortable in the medium. So that means practice practice and more practice.

This other one is also a little challenge I am making for myself. To get more comfortable drawing people. Church is a perfect place for this.  I am just going to have to sit in a different spot now and then, or I will be drawing the same people. Tell me are you a creature of habit, do you always sit in the same spot?

You can check out other sketchers at Blue Chair Diary.


  1. I like the first girl's hair a lot! It's very cute!

  2. Challenges are so good for us and I'm certainly challenging myself to practice more Kate
    Great work so it must be paying off

  3. Looks great Kate. If you get a chance try Prismmacolor pencils. They are oil based and go on like butter.They also blend beautifully when you layer other colors over each other.


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