Thursday, July 22, 2010

Drawing Lab- Cats

Some of you may have heard all the talk about this book, or seen it on other blogs.  You can also check out some fun stuff on Carla's blog

Drawing Lab for Mixed-Media Artists: 52 Creative Exercises to Make Drawing Fun (Lab Series)
Drawing Lab for Mixed-Media Artists: 52 Creative Exercises to Make Drawing Fun (Lab Series)

In the first lab you are supposed to draw 30 cats sitting in bed.  You can do it on a pillow or use your non-dominant hand. Its a great exercise because none of these are so called perfect cats.   Here are some of my funny cats.  Then we are to choose one we like and paint it.  The only one I liked was in the upper right corner.

So here is my little blue cat, rendered in watercolor.  He was actually sort of fun to do. I like painting him better than drawing all those cats. I think working with this book will really help conquer those art fears of not being right perfect or correct.  I have been wanting to try some whimsical stuff so here is my chance. Maybe this little blue cat now needs a series of adventures.

The Blue Angels are in town and they have been practicing over my head or roof I should say.  Maybe that is why the cat is blue.  Those blue planes are quite exciting to see so close. Flynn doesn't like them very much though, he keeps chasing them all over the yard.  Dogs are funny sometimes, he will chase an airplane but he is afraid of the vacuum cleaner.


  1. I LOVE your blue cat. Your watercolors are so lovely. Now, on to giraffes. But they will have to wait for me a bit because, although it might kill me, I have to be watching those Blue Angels. I love them.

  2. Oh this looks like such fun ! I love the kitties and your blue cat is sweet. I think I will have to be getting myself this book too.
    Hope things get quiet and peaceful again soon, Flynn!

  3. I just got my copy of the book a few days ago. I started drawing cats but don't have 30 yet! Your blue cat is so cute. I think a series of adventures would be fun.

    PS - my cats are afraid of the vacuum cleaner, too. All I have to do is bring it out of the closet and they run and hide.

  4. ooo, I will have to see if the Library has this... otherwise, perhaps you will continue to post the exercises for me to copy?!

  5. I suspect Flynn's a victim of the proximity rule - anything close enough to for him to actually touch is more dangerous than things he can't reach. I've been working on Carla's book too - love your blue kitty (maybe she needs some blue angel wings!).

  6. i will have to get this book - thanks for telling us about it! your cats are so cute.

  7. Oh, I love that book. And you're doing great on the excercises. I really have to find time to do them too.

  8. This book is great isn't it! Love your little puss - yes, let's hear about his adventures !


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