Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Inner Excavations

One of my new books is Inner Excavations by Liz Lamoreaux. Liz blogs at Be Present Be Here.  In the book Liz takes you on an excavation using  photography, poetry and mixed media. Instead of just reading the whole book like I sometimes do I am planning on doing all the exercises and getting the full experience. The main reason for buying this book is to work photography back in to my life.  The first exercise in Inner Excavations is to take pictures of your day.  I am a little bit out of practice so I didn't manage to do that many but here is a look at a day last week.

I began where I could right at my feet and what I was wearing, still in my pj's with my croc's on.

Then I took a pic of the book I was reading that day and my glasses beside them.

Then my constant companion, my computer, I really liked the look in low light, my silver computer now looks golden.

You can always count on a cat to make an appearance. Boromir obliged with her sweet face.

Then I took a pic of all the art books that I am reading.

Flynn says What you want me to pose for a picture... ah ok I'll look up for you..

That  evening the only time I remembered to take a picture was when I was making some popcorn.  I had to take the picture quickly because the popcorn was about to take off. Thus the end of my first day.  I think I am going to try this one again. The thing I like about books like this is they take you out of your normal routine and into territory for change growth and exploration.  I am looking forward to the journey I'll be going on.


  1. This is a book I haven't seen! I like the idea of photographing your daily favorite is you in your PJs and Crocs! But I must admit I'm a sucker for kitty pictures and cute dogs, too.

  2. Hi Kate...I haven't seen that book you wrote looks very interesting. I see you have a you like it? I want to buy a notebook soon when I can make up my mind what to get. I have a whole stack of art books...I love to peruse them...put them away for awhile and get them back out or two I keep nearby all the time. I'm looking forward to reading and seeing your journey in the weeks to come.

  3. i have this book, too. it is wonderful. i am getting through it a little at a time, trying to absorb all its wisdom.


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